Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jalapeno Mojito Hot Sauce

roughly a pound and a half of jalapenos, trimmed but not de-seeded
the juice of about 12 limes
salt to taste
a few sprigs of mint, about 1/8th of a cup
a quarter of a medium yellow onion, peeled

Simmer the jalapenos in water for about 5-10 minutes--if you like heat, consider setting some aside and adding a couple raw at the end. Drain and add to Blendtec, followed by remaining ingredients. Pulse to desired consistency, then store in clean jars or bottles and refrigerate. Let rest for a day before serving.

This came out really hot. Next time I might cook the jalapenos longer (when I made it, I cooked all the jalapenos except half of one which was left over from something else). But it's still good, very thick with a lot of jalapeno flavor, not just heat. I will probably use it sparingly as a garnish and also perhaps try cooking with it.